Espace d’information et de collaboration pour les programmes (PICS)

Project Type:  percolab's collaboration
Méthodologies:  Agile

Problem areas regarding European customs and taxation demand close collaboration between the national administrations of the twenty-seven states that form the European Union. Thus, the Taxation and Customs Union Directorate-General has opted for the deployment of a secure information sharing portal to better assist national administrations in their crucial collaboration.

The Programmes Information and Collaboration Space is an Internet portal that aims to provide consistency in administrating the European Union’s taxes and customs. The space has made it possible to develop and strengthen the national programmes of member states. In addition, it has generated substantial savings and allowed member states to share a wide variety of processes and methods. PICS proved to be effective in enhancing national databases with various data, in addition to allowing content co-creation and information sharing within a political unit, whose proper operation essentially relies on the ability of the EU’s 27 countries to cooperate and pool their know-how.

In collaboration with percolab, who spearheaded the PICS project, Procédurable conducted various quality controls on the portal during its development in order to prepare the organizational changes to be implemented by the national administrations.